Update Date:2024/09/13
Effective Date:2024/09/13
Thank you for visiting the FotileStyle official website!
Please carefully review the terms of use below before accessing the site. These terms apply to all users, whether registered or not. If you do not agree, kindly cease using the website and delete any materials and information obtained from it, including images, texts, and videos. By continuing to use the site, you acknowledge and accept all the terms outlined here.
I. All content on this website is protected by relevant laws and regulations such as the National Copyright Law, and FotileStyle.com has full ownership, except for content referenced from other parties. Without prior written permission from FotileStyle.com or any other party, no one is allowed to use any content of this website for any commercial purpose, such as copying, reposting, or promoting online product sales. However, FotileStyle.com grants visitors limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable, non-commercial personal use rights for this website. Fotile Group reserves all rights not specifically granted in these Terms of Use.
II. If the company updates any information regarding products, services, or other materials such as service policies and product introductions, and fails to update the relevant content on this website in a timely manner, the latest version shall prevail. Our company reserves the right to modify any content on this website, including these terms of use, at any time.
III. The friendly links provided on this website are solely for your convenience, and it's your choice whether to visit them or not. FotileStyle does not guarantee the authenticity, completeness, or legality of any content, such as images, data, text, and other information, provided on the websites linked to through these links. The company shall not be liable for any losses incurred from accessing these linked websites or losses resulting from infringement by these websites.
IV. When the government judicial authorities require this website to disclose personal information in accordance with legal procedures, we will provide personal information as required by law enforcement agencies or for the purpose of public safety. This website shall be exempted from liability for any disclosure made in such circumstances.
V. The website disclaims responsibility for any data breaches caused by users sharing their passwords or account details with others.
XI. This website is exempt from liability for personal information leakage, loss, theft, or tampering caused by force majeure events such as hacker attacks, computer virus infections or outbreaks, or temporary closures that disrupt normal network operations due to government regulations.
XII. This website shall be exempt from any liability for any personal information leakage caused by other websites linked to this website, as well as any legal disputes and consequences arising therefrom.
XIII. If this website needs to suspend services due to system maintenance or upgrades, a prior announcement will be made. If service suspension is caused by line issues, hardware failures beyond our company's control, or other force majeure events, this website shall not be held responsible for any inconvenience or loss caused during the suspension of service.
IX. If users of this website violate the provisions of this statement and break the laws of the PRC, they shall bear all the consequences themselves, and this website shall not assume any responsibility.
X. The interpretation and implementation of the terms of use of this website shall be governed by the laws of the PRC. These Terms of Use and any additional terms published on this website constitute the entire agreement between FotileStyle and website visitors regarding the use of this website. If the content of this agreement is inconsistent with applicable mandatory legal provisions, the mandatory legal provisions shall prevail. Any disputes arising from the performance of this agreement shall be resolved through mutual consultation between both parties; if no agreement can be reached through negotiation, either party has the right to file a lawsuit with the court where the website host is located.