


The inspiration comes from Namuna Ni Peak.
This ancient summit, shaped over billions of years,
embodies the eternity of its pristine natural state.

Derived from nature, effortlessly natural.

In a tranquil setting, savoring tea leisurely
and listening to the monologue of time.

Open Kitchen

In a cozy, pastoral kitchen,
explore the delicacies prepared
at just the right moment.

  • Namunani
  • Namunani

    FOTILE's FIKS OS System

    Enjoy user-friendly control over cabinets and kitchen appliances, and enjoy seamless collaboration with family members, and delivering a delightful experience in the smart kitchen.

  • Namunani

    Grille shutters, wired glass, and natural wood grain, with interlaced horizontal and vertical lines, and textures naturally blending together, form a seamless aesthetic design.

Bedroom&Cloakroom Integration

Immerse in healing and comfort
in the vast expanse of the 'natural style'.

  • Namunani

    Exploring the charm of nature in fashion, the fusion of time-marked timber with cotton and linen evokes a gentle, calming healing.

  • Namunani

    Elegance stems from simplicity.
    The backboard adorned with flower
    brings elegance to the space.

  • Namunani


A minimalist space with low-saturation, light colors,
reminiscent of stumbling upon a serene harbor amidst the hustle and bustle of prosperity.


Multifunctional Study

Growing up together with children in a poetic haven.

Multifunctional Study

New spatial concept

Through the integrated public space design of LDK,
countless happy living scenarios in the home are created.
  • Namunani
  • Namunani
  • Namunani

If you are interested in the Namunani,
Welcome to contact us anytime!

If you are interested in the Namunani,
Welcome to contact us anytime!